Kansas City, Kansas Senior Wins Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship
The University of Kansas Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi is pleased to honor Matthew Williams as the winner of its 2012 James Blackiston Memorial Graduate Fellowship and the chapter's nominee for a national Phi Kappa Phi fellowship for which he is the winner of a $5000 National Fellowship from Phi Kappa Phi.
Matt is a senior majoring in Aerospace Engineering and plans to continue on for his MS and Phd in the field here at KU. The Blackiston Fellowship is the latest achievement for Matt, a student in the Honors Program, an internship at a local engineering firm, as well as a research project during his junior year resulting in a professional conference paper, participated in the Hawkeye UAV Dynamic Analysis, Structural Response to Pilot input on a Medium-Scale UAV, and Adverse Dynamic Loading of Wind Turbine Blades due to Inapt Control Authority.

Dr. Marlesa Roney, Chapter 171 President, presenting Fellowship check to Matt.

Matt's parents