Study Abroad Grants Award to Three KU Students
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society, today announced the recipients of a 2024 Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grant. The $1,000 grants were awarded to 125 students across the nation.
The grants are designed to support undergraduates, both members and nonmembers from campuses that have Phi Kappa Phi chapters, as they seek expanded knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad.
Recipients from The University of Kansas include:
Annaliese Nguyen of Lenexa, Kansas, a freshman majoring in biochemistry at The University of Kansas will study abroad in Italy, Perugia.
Maren Meneley of Abilene, Kansas, a sophomore majoring in music therapy at The University of Kansas will study abroad in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Doanh Pham (initiated FA23) of Lees Summit, Missouri, a junior majoring in political science; east Asian languages and culture at The University of Kansas will study abroad in Stockholm, Sweden and Copenhagen, Denmark.
The selection process for a study abroad grant is based on the applicant’s academic achievement, campus and community service, relation of travel to academic preparation and career goals, a personal statement, letters of recommendation, and acceptance into a study abroad program. Each recipient receives $1,000 to be applied toward travel abroad.